Wednesday 28 September 2011

T-Pain feat. Joey Galaxy - Booty Wurk (Video Analysis)

This music video has a broad variety of different camera shots which mainly consist of long shots, tracking shots and zooms. At the beginning of the music video, a panning shot is used when the camera, which is focusing up at the trees is tilted down to focus on the artist. A panning shot is used to shift the audiences attention from something less important, to something more important, in this case, from the trees to the artist, T-Pain. From here on-wards, I denote a tracking shot being used throughout the vast majority of the music video. A tracking shot is used so that the camera continuously follows T-Pain's movement to make the audience feel more involved in the moment. It also gives the audience a tour of the surroundings and the situation, and makes them feel as if the artist is interacting with them. I also denote zoom shots on a number of occasions throughout the music video. The zoom shots are dominantly used when the artist or the performers in the background are about to dance, and they are in sync with the bass in the song, e.g. at 1:27, the bass in the song kicks in and camera zooms in on T-Pain as he begins to dance. When he stops dancing and the bass dies down, the camera zooms back out again. Long shots are also used to show the audience what exactly the artist and the performers are doing in the video. They provide viewers with a full detailed body shot of the artist and the performers so that we can see their leg movements as well as their upper body whilst they are dancing.

The music video is set in a local neighborhood in America on a sunny day. The natural high key lighting from the sun helps to make the colours in the music video appear more vibrant, which may be more appealing to the audience depending on what kind of music videos they enjoy watching. The atmosphere created from the song also fits in with the lighting of the video because it is lively. The costumes used in the video very much seem to be like everyday clothes that your average person would wear on a hot summers day, which is effective because it shows that your don't have to wear something fancy to produce a successful music video. It also allows the audience to relate to the artist in the video, making them more likely to watch it. In terms of props, I feel that they have been creative by putting random objects in the middle of the street. I denote a bedroom door and a king sized bed in the middle of the street when T-Pain mentions the word 'bed' in his lyrics. We also see a DJ with his mixer and decks in the middle of the street when T-Pain says 'the DJ play this song for you'. This drives the entertainment side of the music video more because its fun and random.