Thursday 29 September 2011

Types of Music Video: Conceptual (Analysis)

This music video by Jamiroquai is an example of a 'Conceptual Music Video' because it hasn't got a firm concept behind it, and the lyrics in the song do not relate to the visuals in the music video. The genre of the song is a combination of both Funk and Jazz.

In terms of cinematography, the music video consists of one complete long lasting composited shot. A composited shot is when the background is filmed or created, and then the artist is filmed, and then the two are merged to make it seems as if the artist is in that environment. Because the whole music video has been filmed using one continuous shot, the camera shots are significantly limited. However, I denote a panning shot being used on a number of ocassions throughout the music video. For example at 0:47, a panning shot is used when the camera which is focused on the Jamiroquai who is dancing in a room, tilts down so that it is facing a cockroach on the floor. After about 3 seconds, the camera is tilted back up and the audiences main focus is Jamiroquai again, but rather than him dancing in a spacious room, a narrow corridor appears and several people are being pushed back by a strong wind which has seemingly appeared from nowhere. This is effective because the change of scenery during the panning shot makes the video entertaining for the audience, because they never know what will happen next time the camera pans. Panning shots are generally used to direct the viewers attention from a less dramatic scene to a more dramatic scene, as shown in this music video.

I feel that the mise en scene of the music video has been restrained and has been kept very simple and basic. The reason I say this is because the location of the music video is in a brightly lit white room, with padded walls and with a grey floor. The only props used in the music video are the sofas and chairs denoted in the room. I feel that the location for the music video is appropriate in the sense that the song is called 'virtual insanity', and many mentally ill patients who suffer from hallucinations, hysteria and other relevant symptoms are usually put into institutions which have padded, empty white rooms. The location may have been chosen to represent the artist who has quite a 'crazy' and unique personality, and the cockroach, the crow and the blood from the chairs are most probably supposed to be hallucinations. The artist also has quite an abnormal dress sense. He is wearing an unusually big top hot, which we wouldn't see many people wearing about on the street. This suggests to the viewers that he is a non conformist and that he is happy being himself. I feel that the high key lighting used in the video, fits in well with the funky genre of the song. High key lighting generally connotes happiness and a good atmosphere, and I feel that the upbeat song may evoke this feeling from the majority of viewers.

The most entertaining thing about this video is the editing techniques used to create images which break the rules of physics in real life. The director of the video has given the audience the idea that the floor appears to be moving whilst the rest of the room stays still. I assume that this a been done by overlapping a computer generated background designed to have moving chairs and sofas in it, and a long lasting shot of the artist to create the image that the artist is in a room where the furniture is moving without being touched.....